Table I
LUZIO and Stefano , Carlo, Palamede Lines

Table II
Line of Carlo , Dukes of Monteleone , Counts of Borrello

Table III
Line of Stefano Signori di Orta ,
Dukes of Caivano ,
Marquis of Casalnuovo

Table IV
Line of Palamede and Jacopo Lords of Cerchiara ,
later Marques of Cerchiara , Princes of Noja

Table V
Line of Marques of Cerchiara , Princes of Noja

Table VI
Lines of Marq. of Cerchiara , Princes of Noja
later Marques of Valle Oaxaca
Dukes of Terranova and Monteleone
Lines of Counts of Fuentes
Lines of Princes of Strongoli , Counts of Melessa ,
Dukes of Tolve
Lines of Cerchiara

Table VII
Lines of Dukes of Terranova , Monteleone
Marquis of Valle Oaxaca , Princes of Castelvetrano
Dukes of Bellosguardo , Dukes of Girifalco and Lacconia
Princes of H.R.E

Table VIII
Lines of Dukes of Terranova , Monteleone
Marquis of Valle Oaxaca , Princes of Castelvetrano
Dukes of Bellosguardo , Princes of H.R.E

Table IX
Lines of Princes of Monteroduni

Table X
Line of Pignatelli y Americh Princes of Belmonte

Table XI
Line of Ferrara-Pignatelli Princes of Strongoli

Table XII
Line of Counts of Fuentes

Table XIII
Line of Marq of Spinazzola and Princes of Minervino

Table XIV
Line of Pignatelli Princes of Strongoli

Table XV
LINE of PIGNATELLI Princes of Belmonte (Lineage Ravaschieri-Pinelli-Pignatelli-Granito Pignatelli)